Bible Study Group

You are warmly invited to join a Bible study group which will be meeting every 2 weeks or so to study the Gospel of St Luke. Next meeting is on Thursday 1st September from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in the friary. Our objective will be to enrich our understanding of this year’s Gospel readings, which are mainly from St Luke, by studying the whole of his Gospel before the end of the year. At least a week before each meeting a sheet of ideas and questions will be posted at the bottom of this page, and it would be a great help if participants could read the set passage in advance, think about at least some of the questions, and be ready to share their insights and difficulties at the meeting. But don’t worry if you can’t manage much preparation – no one will be checking up on you. If you can’t get to the meetings, you are very welcome to use the sheets as a starting point for your personal Bible study. If you need e-mail or paper copies, please e-mail the parish or leave a message through our Contact Page.